What happened to my generation is that we never grew up. The problem is we’re terrified. …in certain areas, we’re paralyzed. We’re not being stopped by something on the outside, but by something on the inside. We’re just afraid, period. Our fear is free-floating We’re just disgusted with ourselves, because we think we should be better by […]
franklin tn blogger
Music Monday: She Used to Be Mine
“Harmony sinks deep into the recesses of the soul and takes its strongest hold there, bringing grace also to the body & mind as well. Music is a moral law. It gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything. It is […]
Counting Blessings

We all say our blessings at Thanksgiving – I’m thankful for my family, friends, house, food, insert noun here. Often times I feel it’s on repeat at dinners and holiday parties. Not to discount what anyone is saying because I have been that person and was totally okay with that answer. However the one thing I have […]
Miracle #2: Discovering God Is In Me
In the past six months I have come to learn that God is love. God is in me. I am filled with love. God is not angry. God is not bitter. God is not spiteful. God does not send his wrath to Earth to punish his children. We are his creations. His children. He has given us […]
22 Days of Mania
After weeks of depression I welcomed Mania today. Now how long Mania stays – who knows. I could wake up depressed again tomorrow but today I’ve got this. I just have to be very mindful of my actions today. Day 2 of Mania. If you aren’t Bipolar you have no idea what I’m so excited […]
Fireworks In Mommy’s Head
“You can never build a bridge (to understanding) until you get rid of all of the walls.” Chapman & Campbell, The Five Love Languages of Children We often get angry because we (the mentally ill) just don’t understand what the hell is going on with us. It’s confusing. It’s scary. It’s produces fear. Fear produces anger. […]
Finding the Beauty in Bipolar

Months ago when I was diagnosed as Bipolar 2 my world fell apart. Looking back now I would have laughed and slapped the person that posted the quote below from tiny buddha . You have to first understand that me being diagnosed with an incurable illness of the brain was like a beauty queen being told she […]
Letting Go
“In the process of letting go you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself.” – Deepak Chopra Letting go of a career that I still love but have lost that creative passion for is tough – you have to look deep inside to understand why a passion has died. I’ve realized that […]
Lying in the Hands of God
I can’t help but think God sent this song my way one day when I was asking for direction. Still a bit unstable on the ground I was standing with God, while driving home I was reassured – He’s got this. Just continue to love and share that love and he will always be here […]
A Return To Love : My Backstory
Having a “nervous breakdown” makes you stop. Being a Type A personality for 36 years of my life makes it very difficult to just STOP and let it all go. Let Go and Let God. That’s what they say but that is a very difficult term for a former control freak like me. However after […]