I learn something new about myself on every adventure away from home. I look at these adventures at not just a way to give myself a break but also a way for me to reconnect with me and understand new parts of myself as well as old. They are opportunities for me to be the […]
Vision Boards

FULL DISCLOSURE #1: I used to think vision boards and the ability to manifest your destiny was a bunch of bull BUT….I tried it and wow. It can be a real gift to your life and creating the life you dream of. IMAGINE ALL THE POSSIBILITIES What if you could create your life you imagine […]
A Covenant with Myself

“I don’t paint anymore. I used to paint all the time. I really loved it.”– Allie ~ The Notebook I survived COVID life adjustment. I survived my busy season. I survived 2020. I went in strong and am going to leave strong although the past few months have made me pretty weak. This weekend I […]
The Love U Project | Find Your Oxygen Mask

We’re home. You’re home. The kids are home. Your better half is home. You have no idea that in the coming weeks you will stop showering and even forget the last time you did which means it’s time to shower. You will loose track of days and I’m thinking only 20 percent of your to-do […]
Anxiety is….

Anxiety is standing in the middle of a store with a buggy full of items questioning whether to check out or leave the buggy and head for the store (abandon the cart and walk out the door) for 10 min. Anxiety is constant guilt over being a mother and thinking you are always screwing up. […]
- Poetry
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Soul’s Grace

Gently her soul moves Preparing for a time of letting go Delicate parts of her gently fall to the ground Lessons given now she knows That the time has arrived To prepare for a season of still Where all that she is Can quietly heal. Upon the ground Parts of her have seen more […]
Bloom Woman Bloom

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”-Anais Nin Spring has finally sprung. Mother Nature is giving birth. Old life is being reborn. Seeds that have laid dormant for a season now fight to find their way to the surface […]
Black Box

We forgot our passions. We forgot to love ourselves. We forgot to care for ourselves. We forgot the goddess inside of us. We forgot that we were beautiful. We forgot to be wild. We forgot how to be sexy. We forgot how to trust. We forgot how to play. We forgot our dreams. We forgot […]
Sharing My Story

Lately I’ve been struggling with sharing my story. This rises from my current personal experiences but then for a moment someone or something reminds me the importance of sharing my story to remind others they are far from alone. Actually I’ve been reminded daily lately. So what have I been doing to find the strength […]
To the Friend Who Holds My Hand and Never Let’s Go

To the friend who holds my hand and never lets go. I know loving a person with a mental illness is probably one of the most difficult things a person can do but you do it with grace and beauty. I don’t know how many times you have watched me cry and beg the universe for […]