I learn something new about myself on every adventure away from home. I look at these adventures at not just a way to give myself a break but also a way for me to reconnect with me and understand new parts of myself as well as old. They are opportunities for me to be the […]
Am I 25 again?

I sometimes feel like in 25 in the way I want to live. Part of me feels irresponsible and part of me reminds me you get one life. Tomorrow is not promised. When I turned 25 I had two paths I could have taken and chose the path I was supposed to take. The path […]
Butterflies Wild In My Mind

This is probably the most organic image I’ve created. A week ago I started sketching out a series of butterfly images. The day I planned to do them was the day I had to tear down my she shed. My she shed was more than a building and I guess had become a space that […]
Vision Boards

FULL DISCLOSURE #1: I used to think vision boards and the ability to manifest your destiny was a bunch of bull BUT….I tried it and wow. It can be a real gift to your life and creating the life you dream of. IMAGINE ALL THE POSSIBILITIES What if you could create your life you imagine […]
I’ve Been Here Before

I won’t lie. Staying in the light is difficult for me. I’ve held it too which is good and bad. It makes me want to fight for it and give up whatever I need to give up. However it also scares the hell out of you to know the light is slipping. The peace. The […]
Return to Love

“Women always try to tame themselves as they get older, but the ones who look best are often a bit wilder.”-Miuccia PradaLove Lately I’ve felt tamed having to adhere to the rules of a world that I do not belong to. I feel this heaviness, chains, a weight bearing hard on me. My wings….oh my […]
Costa Rica – Take 2

Two years ago I headed to Costa Rica for a reset. A true reset. I will be honest as to why because this is a place where it’s no holds barred in my life. I was ready to leave my husband and kids. I felt this need – this urge – to start over. I […]
Poetry: Take that pain and harness it

‘Poetry and beauty are born out of pain. This is their glory, this is our gain .’S. Tarr I was scrolling through my notes app and found some old poetry I had written when I was going through my rebirth – I think that is more fitting than nervous breakdown at this point in my journey. […]
2020 Was A Good Year

So as 2020 comes to a close I find it really impossible to complain about the year and maybe that sounds wrong as so many were displaced by tornados and a bomb, people lost their jobs and struggled to make ends meet and loved ones were lost and forever affected by COVID-19. Honestly though I […]
A Covenant with Myself

“I don’t paint anymore. I used to paint all the time. I really loved it.”– Allie ~ The Notebook I survived COVID life adjustment. I survived my busy season. I survived 2020. I went in strong and am going to leave strong although the past few months have made me pretty weak. This weekend I […]