What a concept! We take vitamins to keep our bodies, our temples, our minds healthy. Vitamins for our spirituality make complete sense. They feed our need for faith and understanding. They assist us in filling in the gaps in our search for fulfillment. I love that Unity and the Y both offer these to me […]
Counting Blessings

We all say our blessings at Thanksgiving – I’m thankful for my family, friends, house, food, insert noun here. Often times I feel it’s on repeat at dinners and holiday parties. Not to discount what anyone is saying because I have been that person and was totally okay with that answer. However the one thing I have […]
Miracle #2: Discovering God Is In Me
In the past six months I have come to learn that God is love. God is in me. I am filled with love. God is not angry. God is not bitter. God is not spiteful. God does not send his wrath to Earth to punish his children. We are his creations. His children. He has given us […]
Lying in the Hands of God
I can’t help but think God sent this song my way one day when I was asking for direction. Still a bit unstable on the ground I was standing with God, while driving home I was reassured – He’s got this. Just continue to love and share that love and he will always be here […]
My 5 Points of Clarity
There is clarity in me today. I will become a stay at home mom. #homemaker That is exactly what I will be – a woman making our home the best it can be for my growing girls and my hardworking husband. I will replace my income with that of savings from me doing the job […]
A Return To Love : My Backstory
Having a “nervous breakdown” makes you stop. Being a Type A personality for 36 years of my life makes it very difficult to just STOP and let it all go. Let Go and Let God. That’s what they say but that is a very difficult term for a former control freak like me. However after […]
What is it about this love | hate relationship with laundry? I despise laundry (to the point I often pay someone to do it for me) but there is something about it that makes your subconscious love it. I have a loud mind. It screams often and I want to just escape it. My conscious mind […]