It’s days like today that I’m reminded that Bipolar is a stronger beast than I give it credit for at times. A morning of sudden anxiety and harsh tones in my every word. Leave dropoff thinking fourth graders are laughing at my car and Julia. Dreading each minute of a spin class I usually love then […]
Bipolar II Disorder
Healing a {Bipolar} Marriage

I read a scary statistic about bipolar marriage. While reading an article on Bipolar Lives I was floored when I read the statistic: A common – but staggering – statistic that gets bandied about is that 90% of marriages involving at least one bipolar spouse will end in divorce. My heart literally began to race and a […]
22 Days of Mania
After weeks of depression I welcomed Mania today. Now how long Mania stays – who knows. I could wake up depressed again tomorrow but today I’ve got this. I just have to be very mindful of my actions today. Day 2 of Mania. If you aren’t Bipolar you have no idea what I’m so excited […]
Finding the Beauty in Bipolar

Months ago when I was diagnosed as Bipolar 2 my world fell apart. Looking back now I would have laughed and slapped the person that posted the quote below from tiny buddha . You have to first understand that me being diagnosed with an incurable illness of the brain was like a beauty queen being told she […]
My 5 Points of Clarity
There is clarity in me today. I will become a stay at home mom. #homemaker That is exactly what I will be – a woman making our home the best it can be for my growing girls and my hardworking husband. I will replace my income with that of savings from me doing the job […]
A Letter To My Husband
I sit alone and watch the clock, Trying to collect my thoughts, All I think about is you. And so I cry myself to sleep, And hope the devil I don’t meet. In the dreams that I live through. Believe in me, I know you’ve waited for so long, Believe in me, sometimes the weak […]
An Education in Bipolar

I am Bipolar 2 with a social anxiety disorder. This means a series of emotions can rage through me within an hour. I can be on top of the world at 9:05 and by 10:05 I can be balled up crying surrounded by broken dishes and broken relationships. I can be hugging my husband at […]
Beauty Grows In the Darkest Places
About six months ago I realized my mind had changed. My mind – not just my brain – but my mind. I was diagnosed with a mental/mood disorder and my world crumbled. Telling me my brain was not working correctly is like telling a beauty queen they need Botox. My husband always says he married me […]
Mental Illness : Living In the Dark
I started this blog to help others who are going through something similar and just like what I am going through. I wanted to bring light to the dark. My business page has 2000 followers (not a lot in FB terms but thats 2000 sets of eyes and ears). Yet part of me is still […]
The Panic Attack
They call it a panic attack. That is such an overused set of words today. You can hear the phrase tossed around in conversation like an upset stomach. Panic attacks are painful. Panic attacks are exhausting. Panic attacks are heart wrenching. Panic attacks evoke a fear within that….the words are not there. The world goes black. […]