Here’s this week’s Love U Project. It’s simple and quick. Just say no! No. Nada. No. My apologies if this seems negative but it’s for your self-care. If the plane is going down you put your oxygen mask on first. If you fall apart the rest starts to fall apart. Your kids are stir crazy. […]
The Love U Project
Chores Part II
So over here at the McNeal household we are trying to make some things a bit more “automated”. Why not try something new? The worst that could happen is I’ve wasted $2.99 right? We are trying out Rooster Money Allowance Manager. The kids are all wrapped up in iPads and apps these days so why […]
The Power of a Post-It
If you have watched Grey’s Anatomy then you know the power of a post-it. A 3×3 inch square. Powerful. A reminder to us of appointments, thoughts, names, ideas…productivity. Post-it’s get things done. So how are you going to make a post-it powerful for you now that you are at home ALL of the time? I […]
10 Ways To Reduce Anxiety
With the virus changing our lives and forcing us suddenly to live a new normal, anxiety is on the rise. It already was but now people are facing new struggles, fears and stressors without ever having to know ways to cope with anxiety. I hear more often from those who have really never had anxiety […]
The Love U Project | Self – Care
Guess who lost their shit last night – me – this girl. After some not so proud moments with the printer (PC-Load Letter) I wanted to recreate the scene in Office Space. Really. In the end I was crying and scared that the old girl was sneaking back in. I reflected afterwards and realized I […]
The Love U Project | Chores
In honor of everyone being home-bound with a virus on the loose I’m dedicating a few weeks to making your life simpler and easier. Let me go ahead and warn you. Your house is going to get messier and dirtier much faster now that the kiddos are home for weeks. So let me help you […]
The Love U Project | Find Your Oxygen Mask
We’re home. You’re home. The kids are home. Your better half is home. You have no idea that in the coming weeks you will stop showering and even forget the last time you did which means it’s time to shower. You will loose track of days and I’m thinking only 20 percent of your to-do […]
The Love U Project | Girls Night
“The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love.” -Hubert H. Humphrey | Week 7 | Friendships are essential to our happiness. We learn and discover in them. They become the fabric of our lives. They lift us when we are down and show pride for us in our accomplishments. We do the same for them. […]
Love U Project | Momma Needs A Time Out
“Quiet is peace. Tranquility. Quiet is turning down the volume knob on life. Silence is pushing the off button. Shutting it down. All of it. – Amir” ― Khaled Hosseini | Week 6 | When we take care of ourselves we can do anything. When we don’t take care of ourselves we are unable to […]
The Love U Project | Gratitude
“The only way to have a friend is to be one.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson | Week 5 | Showing gratitude grows joy and happiness. By counting your blessings you increases your capacity for love, forgiveness, joy, purpose and all the other positives we want in our lives. This weeks project is to count your blessings […]