I stumbled on this in a journal the other day and since finding it I’ve read it over and over again. It reminds me of all the beauty in my life that honestly I sometimes overlook or refuse to see. We have so many little blessings around us but are often to busy to even […]
online journal
Exercise and Mental Illness Make A Great Pair
The Exercise Effect Evidence is mounting for the benefits of exercise, yet psychologists don’t often use exercise as part of their treatment arsenal. Here’s more research on why they should. By Kirsten Weir When Jennifer Carter, PhD, counsels patients, she often suggests they walk as they talk. “I work on a beautiful wooded campus,” […]
God Speaks
“Relax, close your eyes, and pray for comfort. Give to Divine Mind your despair, your sadness, your hopelessness, your regret, your embarrassment, your pain, your grief, your fear, and your burdens. Do not rush through this darkness. Allow yourself to enter into it in order to move through it. And in time the light will […]
Walls Come Down and Peace Comes In
Excerpt from an October 2015 therapy session: Why are you angry? Because I’m scared and full of fear. What do you fear? That people won’t like me. Why? Because I’m not good enough. When those words echoed from my mouth I cried. I cried for days and when I finally told my husband this piece […]
Meet Julia

Meet Julia. Right now she’s my Toothless Wonder. She has a heart of pure gold – ask anyone – and she sees the good in all. She even questions why people are mean. She’s a friend to all. She loves God, the American flag, gymnastics, karate and performing. She get’s stage fright but with […]
Spiritual Vitamins
What a concept! We take vitamins to keep our bodies, our temples, our minds healthy. Vitamins for our spirituality make complete sense. They feed our need for faith and understanding. They assist us in filling in the gaps in our search for fulfillment. I love that Unity and the Y both offer these to me […]
Bag of Bones

Every time I open my eyes You – the monster are there Banging at the wall of shame That I hide behind in fear. I’m a scared little girl Praying for someone to save me From you – the monster No one ever comes and you continue To take more from me than even I can […]
She Started Loving Him Today

I have been married 2724 days 19 hours and 40 minutes. I have only loved my husband I mean truly loved him for 46 days 16 hours 40 minutes. I didn’t start really loving my husband until November 11, 2015. I remember the day like it was yesterday and hope that until the day I die […]
Finding the Beauty in Bipolar

Months ago when I was diagnosed as Bipolar 2 my world fell apart. Looking back now I would have laughed and slapped the person that posted the quote below from tiny buddha . You have to first understand that me being diagnosed with an incurable illness of the brain was like a beauty queen being told she […]