This is probably the most organic image I’ve created. A week ago I started sketching out a series of butterfly images. The day I planned to do them was the day I had to tear down my she shed. My she shed was more than a building and I guess had become a space that […]
self actualization
- Fear
- ...
Fear: Part II

“Do something everyday that scares you.” Okay so I can’t remember where I read this but I didn’t come up with this idea. No credit to my brilliance:-) It is hard overcoming fears and putting yourself out there – raw and open. All masks down. All beautiful facets of yourself exposed. Guess what though? Once […]
Solo I Go In 4 Weeks

Holy Cow. 4 weeks until I leave. School starts back in one. Crap. I really should have done more of planning on the front end – when I first made the decision to do this – but honestly I kept putting off investing money so if I backed out I wouldn’t have flushed money down […]
The Love U Project | Gratitude

“The only way to have a friend is to be one.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson | Week 5 | Showing gratitude grows joy and happiness. By counting your blessings you increases your capacity for love, forgiveness, joy, purpose and all the other positives we want in our lives. This weeks project is to count your blessings […]
A Letter to Mary Jane
Dear Mary Jane, I wanted to take a minute to say thank you so much for being you. You are a blessing from God and I truly believe this. You help me cope when I’m feeling overwhelmed. After spending a few minutes together it doesn’t seem so bad. I can sort through the important and […]
God Speaks
“Relax, close your eyes, and pray for comfort. Give to Divine Mind your despair, your sadness, your hopelessness, your regret, your embarrassment, your pain, your grief, your fear, and your burdens. Do not rush through this darkness. Allow yourself to enter into it in order to move through it. And in time the light will […]
Walls Come Down and Peace Comes In
Excerpt from an October 2015 therapy session: Why are you angry? Because I’m scared and full of fear. What do you fear? That people won’t like me. Why? Because I’m not good enough. When those words echoed from my mouth I cried. I cried for days and when I finally told my husband this piece […]
Spiritual Vitamins
What a concept! We take vitamins to keep our bodies, our temples, our minds healthy. Vitamins for our spirituality make complete sense. They feed our need for faith and understanding. They assist us in filling in the gaps in our search for fulfillment. I love that Unity and the Y both offer these to me […]
Hell Defined

What happened to my generation is that we never grew up. The problem is we’re terrified. …in certain areas, we’re paralyzed. We’re not being stopped by something on the outside, but by something on the inside. We’re just afraid, period. Our fear is free-floating We’re just disgusted with ourselves, because we think we should be better by […]