Every time I open my eyes You – the monster are there Banging at the wall of shame That I hide behind in fear. I’m a scared little girl Praying for someone to save me From you – the monster No one ever comes and you continue To take more from me than even I can […]
nashville photographer
She Started Loving Him Today

I have been married 2724 days 19 hours and 40 minutes. I have only loved my husband I mean truly loved him for 46 days 16 hours 40 minutes. I didn’t start really loving my husband until November 11, 2015. I remember the day like it was yesterday and hope that until the day I die […]
Counting Blessings

We all say our blessings at Thanksgiving – I’m thankful for my family, friends, house, food, insert noun here. Often times I feel it’s on repeat at dinners and holiday parties. Not to discount what anyone is saying because I have been that person and was totally okay with that answer. However the one thing I have […]
Lying in the Hands of God
I can’t help but think God sent this song my way one day when I was asking for direction. Still a bit unstable on the ground I was standing with God, while driving home I was reassured – He’s got this. Just continue to love and share that love and he will always be here […]
My 5 Points of Clarity
There is clarity in me today. I will become a stay at home mom. #homemaker That is exactly what I will be – a woman making our home the best it can be for my growing girls and my hardworking husband. I will replace my income with that of savings from me doing the job […]