Excerpt from an October 2015 therapy session: Why are you angry? Because I’m scared and full of fear. What do you fear? That people won’t like me. Why? Because I’m not good enough. When those words echoed from my mouth I cried. I cried for days and when I finally told my husband this piece […]
Self discovery
Spiritual Vitamins
What a concept! We take vitamins to keep our bodies, our temples, our minds healthy. Vitamins for our spirituality make complete sense. They feed our need for faith and understanding. They assist us in filling in the gaps in our search for fulfillment. I love that Unity and the Y both offer these to me […]
The Feel of Passion | Why I Left Portrait Photography
The smell of sweet honeysuckle dancing under your nose to announce the arrival of spring. The feeling of air under your toes as your boots embrace the powdery snow. The velvety feel of fine watercolor paper between your fingers. I loved loved loved photography when I stumbled into portrait photography almost seven years ago. I loved putting the camera down […]
Counting Blessings
We all say our blessings at Thanksgiving – I’m thankful for my family, friends, house, food, insert noun here. Often times I feel it’s on repeat at dinners and holiday parties. Not to discount what anyone is saying because I have been that person and was totally okay with that answer. However the one thing I have […]
Miracle #2: Discovering God Is In Me
In the past six months I have come to learn that God is love. God is in me. I am filled with love. God is not angry. God is not bitter. God is not spiteful. God does not send his wrath to Earth to punish his children. We are his creations. His children. He has given us […]
Finding the Beauty in Bipolar
Months ago when I was diagnosed as Bipolar 2 my world fell apart. Looking back now I would have laughed and slapped the person that posted the quote below from tiny buddha . You have to first understand that me being diagnosed with an incurable illness of the brain was like a beauty queen being told she […]
Letting Go
“In the process of letting go you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself.” – Deepak Chopra Letting go of a career that I still love but have lost that creative passion for is tough – you have to look deep inside to understand why a passion has died. I’ve realized that […]
Power of Prayer
Yesterday was bad. Really bad. Kicking walls with rage tears pouring out puffy eyes scared of people bad kind of day. Yesterday was a really bad day after six really good days. Then this morning I woke to what was going to be another bad day then I changed my thinking. Changed my thinking! That’s […]