‘Poetry and beauty are born out of pain. This is their glory, this is our gain .’S. Tarr I was scrolling through my notes app and found some old poetry I had written when I was going through my rebirth – I think that is more fitting than nervous breakdown at this point in my journey. […]
midlife crisis
Love Letters To Your Tribe

When I left for my trip I had a plan. A very detailed plan which I’m very proud to say I followed. Not just a plan for the physical adventure but for the spiritual adventure. There aren’t any books from my research that outlines how to discover your best self in a period of 8 […]
12 Days to Go!

This journey is coming soon! 12 days to go! It’s hard to believe it’s so close. I feel like I have so much left to do but actually I don’t. I feel in that limbo stage. I should be doing something but I’m not. I guess this is the time to get everything around here […]
A Journey with Depression
Depression is real. It is not a crutch people lean on when they are sad. She is a bitch and very real. She’s a seed that slowly finds her way deep within you. She finds pain to feed her need to grow. She pulls that pain in and inside her branches of self hatred rip […]
God Speaks
“Relax, close your eyes, and pray for comfort. Give to Divine Mind your despair, your sadness, your hopelessness, your regret, your embarrassment, your pain, your grief, your fear, and your burdens. Do not rush through this darkness. Allow yourself to enter into it in order to move through it. And in time the light will […]
Walls Come Down and Peace Comes In
Excerpt from an October 2015 therapy session: Why are you angry? Because I’m scared and full of fear. What do you fear? That people won’t like me. Why? Because I’m not good enough. When those words echoed from my mouth I cried. I cried for days and when I finally told my husband this piece […]
Hell Defined

What happened to my generation is that we never grew up. The problem is we’re terrified. …in certain areas, we’re paralyzed. We’re not being stopped by something on the outside, but by something on the inside. We’re just afraid, period. Our fear is free-floating We’re just disgusted with ourselves, because we think we should be better by […]
My 5 Points of Clarity
There is clarity in me today. I will become a stay at home mom. #homemaker That is exactly what I will be – a woman making our home the best it can be for my growing girls and my hardworking husband. I will replace my income with that of savings from me doing the job […]