A few weeks ago I had to devote a day to errands to prepare for our upcoming family vacation – a Royal Caribbean cruise. All of the babysitters were busy and I couldn’t seem to find anyone to pawn the kids (two girls, 8 and 9 years old) off on so here I went with two […]
nashville blogger
- Fear
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Fear: Part II

“Do something everyday that scares you.” Okay so I can’t remember where I read this but I didn’t come up with this idea. No credit to my brilliance:-) It is hard overcoming fears and putting yourself out there – raw and open. All masks down. All beautiful facets of yourself exposed. Guess what though? Once […]
Love Letters To Your Tribe

When I left for my trip I had a plan. A very detailed plan which I’m very proud to say I followed. Not just a plan for the physical adventure but for the spiritual adventure. There aren’t any books from my research that outlines how to discover your best self in a period of 8 […]
12 Days to Go!

This journey is coming soon! 12 days to go! It’s hard to believe it’s so close. I feel like I have so much left to do but actually I don’t. I feel in that limbo stage. I should be doing something but I’m not. I guess this is the time to get everything around here […]
A Love Poem To Myself

I stumbled on this in a journal the other day and since finding it I’ve read it over and over again. It reminds me of all the beauty in my life that honestly I sometimes overlook or refuse to see. We have so many little blessings around us but are often to busy to even […]
Solo I Go In 4 Weeks

Holy Cow. 4 weeks until I leave. School starts back in one. Crap. I really should have done more of planning on the front end – when I first made the decision to do this – but honestly I kept putting off investing money so if I backed out I wouldn’t have flushed money down […]
Why Are You Doing This?

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” Steve Jobs This […]
A Day of Anxiety

I wrote this post on May 14, 2018 but didn’t post it. I do this often. Write posts about the darkness but keep them to myself. That’s what people with depression often do – keep it to themselves when they need to share it to have support to get through the darkness. Others often carry […]
- Poetry
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This was written in November of 2017 – 8 months ago. I’m in a much better place now and honestly when I read this I thought to myself – I didn’t write these words. I did and I’m damn proud of myself that I found my way out of this. To free myself I must […]
Into The Great Wide Open I Go

September I’m taking a trip that I had planned on taking thirteen years ago. Before marriage, two children and two careers I dreamed of exploring the west. I know not exotic or international but at the time I wasn’t thinking as big as time has now allowed me to dream. I just knew I thought […]