Meet Julia. Right now she’s my Toothless Wonder. She has a heart of pure gold – ask anyone – and she sees the good in all. She even questions why people are mean. She’s a friend to all. She loves God, the American flag, gymnastics, karate and performing. She get’s stage fright but with a little help from her friends she overcomes it. Right now her goal is to become a cheerleader and her theme song is “Meet Virginia” by Train . In the summer she loves to ride horses and swim – her and her sister are quite the mermaids. Her competitive streak comes in running- she just completed her first Kids Rock Run and was the second BGA girl to cross the line! She picks up litter when she sees it and wants to help others in need. She doesn’t like dresses much and prefers a t-shirt and jeans like me. She eats tomatoes whole just like her grandfather did and has his green thumb. She is sensitive yet strong and stands up for what she believes in. I just love her and am beyond blessed that I got to be her mom!

I have not always been the best mom to this sweet angel. Before my Spiritual Transformation of 2015 I was not always the nicest. I didn’t realize what was going on inside me and that fear created more anger and she witnessed it. It never broke her resilient spirit. She has helped me reconnect with God with her curious mind and continues to encourage me to grow in my faith just by being her. She leaves sweet words in my journals and extra love on days I just don’t want to be.

I see big things for this girl one day. She will take on the world quietly yet loudly with the grace of southern lady. World peace? Save the oceans? Equality for all? There’s a hippy living inside of her with the intelligence and drive to harness her passion for good.