I sometimes feel like in 25 in the way I want to live. Part of me feels irresponsible and part of me reminds me you get one life. Tomorrow is not promised. When I turned 25 I had two paths I could have taken and chose the path I was supposed to take. The path […]
self discovery
Butterflies Wild In My Mind

This is probably the most organic image I’ve created. A week ago I started sketching out a series of butterfly images. The day I planned to do them was the day I had to tear down my she shed. My she shed was more than a building and I guess had become a space that […]
Vision Boards

FULL DISCLOSURE #1: I used to think vision boards and the ability to manifest your destiny was a bunch of bull BUT….I tried it and wow. It can be a real gift to your life and creating the life you dream of. IMAGINE ALL THE POSSIBILITIES What if you could create your life you imagine […]
I’ve Been Here Before

I won’t lie. Staying in the light is difficult for me. I’ve held it too which is good and bad. It makes me want to fight for it and give up whatever I need to give up. However it also scares the hell out of you to know the light is slipping. The peace. The […]
Respect Your Scars

Healing takes time. Healing is never finished. Healing leaves scars that no amount of silicone scar patches can remove but we need those scars to remind us of how far we’ve come from what wounded us, what contained us and what sent us into fetal position. Why am I rambling about scars today? In 2015 […]
- Fear
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Fear: Part II

“Do something everyday that scares you.” Okay so I can’t remember where I read this but I didn’t come up with this idea. No credit to my brilliance:-) It is hard overcoming fears and putting yourself out there – raw and open. All masks down. All beautiful facets of yourself exposed. Guess what though? Once […]
Love Letters To Your Tribe

When I left for my trip I had a plan. A very detailed plan which I’m very proud to say I followed. Not just a plan for the physical adventure but for the spiritual adventure. There aren’t any books from my research that outlines how to discover your best self in a period of 8 […]
12 Days to Go!

This journey is coming soon! 12 days to go! It’s hard to believe it’s so close. I feel like I have so much left to do but actually I don’t. I feel in that limbo stage. I should be doing something but I’m not. I guess this is the time to get everything around here […]
Why Are You Doing This?

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” Steve Jobs This […]