“Do something everyday that scares you.” Okay so I can’t remember where I read this but I didn’t come up with this idea. No credit to my brilliance:-) It is hard overcoming fears and putting yourself out there – raw and open. All masks down. All beautiful facets of yourself exposed. Guess what though? Once […]
spiritual journey
Solo I Go In 4 Weeks

Holy Cow. 4 weeks until I leave. School starts back in one. Crap. I really should have done more of planning on the front end – when I first made the decision to do this – but honestly I kept putting off investing money so if I backed out I wouldn’t have flushed money down […]
Into The Great Wide Open I Go

September I’m taking a trip that I had planned on taking thirteen years ago. Before marriage, two children and two careers I dreamed of exploring the west. I know not exotic or international but at the time I wasn’t thinking as big as time has now allowed me to dream. I just knew I thought […]
Miracle #1 – My Exit From Hell

What is hell? Hell is a perception in our minds. We all envision it differently. Growing up I imagined a dark place burning with fire. Souls burning and crying from pain. Up above was a God, my creator, watching it all happen. If I did not follow the word of The Bible exactly this is […]