The Bucket List

How can you possibly find your way if you don’t have a purpose for your direction? From this birthed My Bucket List only three months ago. We also made one for our family as well.

Those in italics have been done. I will continue to add as well as our purpose and lives are constantly changing.

Have you made your bucket list? It’s actually fun to do and for me (a creative type with my brain everywhere) it has helped me discover and create goals. I had no idea what Zorbing was but I WANT to do it.

The beauty of putting YOUR bucket list out there is that it’s out there and so begins others knowing your bucket list and possibly being able to help you fulfill one. There’s that Law of Compensation truly at work.

My Bucket List

1. See the Grand Canyon and ride mules
2. Photograph wildlife on all seven continents
3. Help others in a 3rd world country through mission trip
4. Deep sea fish
5. Visit the Louvre
6. Smithsonian
7. Go Zorbing
8. Learn to play piano
9. Write a book
10. Hike Pacific Coast Trail☑️
11. Drive the Pacific Coast Highway in a convertible ☑️
12. Own a Jeep – a real Jeep
13. Visit Niagra Falls
14. Drive an RV across the country from two fartherest points
15. Visit Redwoods ☑️
16. Sing karaoke
17. Perform in a play as an adult
18. Thelma and Louise road trip
19. Watch the Northern Lights
20. Learn to dance salsa
21. Attend a flash mob
22. Have my art in a gallery showing
23. Sale a piece of my art
24. Visit Ireland, England and Scotland
25. Meet Dave Matthews
26. Sit front row at a DM concert ☑️
27. Shower in a waterfall
28. Go on a safari
29. Go whale watching
30. Ride an elephant – nope that’s okay anymore
31. See 7 Wonders of the World
32. Yellowstone
33. Stonehenge
34. Mardi Gras
35. St. Patty’s in Ireland
36. Dave Matthews in the Gorge
37. Visit New York ☑️
38. Send a message in a bottle
39. Learn to shoot a gun
40. Read the entire Bible
41. Throw a suprise party for someone☑️
42. Release Chinese lanterns☑️
43. Go to drive in movie
44. Open chakras ☑️
45. Learn to sew
46. Learn to speak Spanish
47. Sleep in the desert under the stars ☑️
48. Visit all 50 states
49. Fiji
50. Visit Hawaii
51. Run half marathon
52. Get a degree in psychology
53. Bathe an elephant
54. Create a foundation to help others
55. Attend a Buddhist retreat
56. Indoor skydive
57. Parasail ☑️
58. Be published ☑️
59. Blow glass
60. Foam party
61. Deep sea fish
62. Drive a Lamborghini or equivalent
63. Attend a NASCAR race
64. Attend a horse race
65. Kayak
66. Join a sports league
67. Start a book club
68. Attend a luau
69. Helicopter Grand Canyon
70. Visit Disneyworld
71. See Pink Floyd in concert ☑️
72. Follow Dave Matthews tour
73. Attend a symphony
74. Have no credit card debt
75. Read 33 books from the 99 classics list
76. Explore a city I’ve never been by myself

Those in italics have been done. I will continue to add as well as our purpose and lives are constantly changing.

Have you made your bucket list? It’s actually fun to do and for me (a creative type with my brain everywhere) it has helped me discover and create goals.

The beauty of putting YOUR bucket list out there is that it’s out there and so begins others knowing your bucket list and possibly being able to help you fulfill one.

Make your bucket list today! I have to get moving on mine.

